
Dünyanın beslenmesine katkı


Ürünlerimizi keşfedin

Gıda endüstrisi, giderek artan ve kentleşen dünya nüfusunun ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak için artan bir baskı altındadır. GEA, neredeyse bütün gıda zincirini kapsayan geniş bir portföye sahiptir - süpermarketlerde satılan ürünlerin neredeyse yüzde 70'i, teknolojimizden geçmektedir.

Yenilikçi Gıda Teknolojisi

Endüstriyel ülkelerde besin değeri yüksek, sağlıklı ve hazırlaması kolay hazır gıdalar yönünde yükselen bir trend vardır.

Geniş çeşitlilikte et, kanatlı eti, balık, deniz ürünleri, sıvı ve katı yağlar, meyveler, sebzeler, süt ürünleri, ekmek, şekerleme ve

Ürünler & Teknolojiler

Gösterilen 4 / 164

Adding Value to Food Processing

Global food producers understand the need to protect their brands, so when they need to innovate, they often look for the support of a proven technology provider.

Development of new food products can be a costly and labor-intensive investment for many customers. Add to that, complex formulation, detailed process design and plant validation, this can become a daunting process for some customers to undertake alone.

To help achieve greater confidence in the safe and repeatable production of your food products prior to market release, GEA has built dedicated test centers, designed to aid development and trial at a small scale before releasing for larger scale production.

Critical process technologies including separation, formulation, mixing, evaporation, and drying are available in our many small-scale test plants enabling you to conveniently prove your product or process before making a large-scale investment.

For example - our new Bakery Experience Centers (BEC) located in Schio and in Verona, Italy have been established to allow customers to trial new baked goods recipes in a controlled environment. This minimizes risk and allows customers to free up their own plant whilst simultaneously running new product trials offline. Together with you, our bakery experts can provide guidance on optimal setup between recipe and plant design before going into full-scale production.

With decades of process experience gained from food processing plants all over the world, our test centers give you the confidence that the process units we deliver are optimized to suit the local process and environmental conditions. In addition, the ongoing refinements that we make through offline testing will ultimately benefit the final solution for your production facility.

Process design is only part of our offering. With GEA, you have access to the latest technologies, equipment and engineering expertise, which we will combine to deliver your complete end-to-end solution.

Food test center

Our test centers are:

  • Bakery – Schio and Verona (Italy)
  • Liquid Mixing – Copenhagen (Denmark), Ahaus (Germany)
  • Heat treatment – Ahaus (Germany)
  • Aseptic Processing – Ahaus (Germany)
  • Homogenization – Parma (Italy)
  • Separation - Oelde (Germany)
  • Powder mixing – Hamilton (New Zealand)
  • Powder Handling – Copenhagen (Denmark)
  • Spray Drying – Copenhagen (Denmark); Maryland (USA)
  • Freeze Drying – Copenhagen (Denmark)
  • Solids Feed Drying – Copenhagen (Denmark)
  • Evaporation/distillation/membrane filtration – Karlsruhe (Germany)
  • Filtration – Hudson (USA)
  • Freezing – Richmond (Canada); Bakel (Netherlands)
  • Preparation, injection and further food processing – Bakel (Netherlands)
  • Thermoforming packaging – Wallau (Germany)
  • Slicing and loading – Kempten (Germany)
  • Vertical packaging, lollipop and sugar cube manufacturing – Weert (Netherlands) 
  • Food processing and packaging – Frisco (TX, USA)

Contact us to find out more about how GEA can add value to your food processing needs.


PowerPak Plus

GEA PowerPak PLUS boosts bakery business

Butt Foods chose GEA PowerPak PLUS thermoformer for wrapping naan breads at its Nottingham facility and is thrilled with its productivity boost and increased efficiency.

Gea Moy Park ev tarzı tavuk

Homestyle chicken, made on GEA MultiDrum, the way customers like it

GEA MultiDrum breader helps Moy Park to meet day-to-day challenges, develop new products and enhance productivity across the company’s extensive range of fresh homestyle chicken.

Gıda endüstrisi için soğutma & ısıtma

Gıda endüstrisi için soğutma & ısıtma

Hassas sıcaklık gereksinimlerinizi karşılar – doğal olarak

With safe and sustainable products and solutions our experts at GEA can help optimize cold chains. For better industrial refrigeration processes.
GEA'nın Sürdürülebilir Enerji Çözümleri

SEnS - GEA'nın Bütünsel Mühendislik Çözümleri

Düşük enerji tüketimi, minimuma indirilmiş işletim maliyetleri ve azaltılmış karbon ayak izi sağlayan, proses çözümleri ve soğutma & ısıtma taleplerinin eşsiz bir entegrasyonu.


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