
Feeding Solutions

GEA Farming offers cutting-edge feeding solutions to optimize milk production, improve animal health, and reduce workload. Our innovative systems revolutionize feeding practices, ensuring efficiency and sustainability for your farm's success.
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Efficient Feeding: More Milk, Less Workload

通过全天少量但多次地提供新鲜的 TMR 日粮来提高泌乳牛群的采食量。GEA 自动饲喂系统可以按计划对饲料进行称重、搅拌并投喂,从而接手您需要大量劳力的饲喂工作。

GEA 的自动推料机器人可减轻您的工作负担,并按照您选择的时间间隔将饲料推向采食通道。如果您想进一步提高奶牛的生产性能,可以使用自动精饲料饲喂器并根据泌乳阶段的需要精确地为每头牛分配精饲料。在后备牛区域,自动犊牛饲喂器从奶牛一出生就可以提供牛奶和代乳粉,保证健康成长所需。


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用稻草打包系统收获的、切成 5-7cm或更短的稻草(左)与采用稻草粉碎机额外加工的、切得非常短的稻草(右)的比较“对于 3 公斤的稻草定量,打包系统可能会留下 1 公斤的稻草废物;而磨碎的稻草,留下的废物最少,”Weymann 说。


数字化和自动化已经在改变世界各地的奶牛养殖业,这已经不是什么秘密了。通过智能手机、平板电脑和农业应用程序进行农场和牛群管理已变得司空见惯。根据德国 Bitkom 的一项研究,如今德国 21% 的奶牛场已经在使用挤奶机器人,全球需求不断增长。德国近二分之一的奶牛场已经在使用智能饲喂系统。理由很充分。

They are what they eat: Keeping cows fit and healthy longer with the right feeding strategy

They are what they eat: Keeping cows fit and healthy longer with the right feeding strategy

What goes for human beings, also goes for dairy cows: A healthy and individually tailored diet is one of the most important requirements for high performance and well-being. With GEA’s automated feeding systems, the perfect recipe...

Theo van der Zwaag from the Netherlands stands in front of a GEA automated feeding robot.


喂养奶牛是世界各地奶农最重要的任务和日常工作之一。正确的喂养不仅可以保持奶牛的健康,也是产出大量优质牛奶的基础。但在如今这个能源成本不断飞涨和雇佣劳力短缺的时代,压力也随之而来。GEA 的自动驱动饲喂机器人解决了这些障碍,从而节省时间、优化产奶量并保持奶牛健康。

来自紫花苜蓿植物的干草,也称为紫花苜蓿 (Medicago sativa),由于其粗纤维含量高,是高性能奶牛日粮中的优质结构成分。紫花苜蓿还含有丰富的天然维生素和营养成分——奶牛喜欢吃它。


GEA牧场科技部门的自动饲喂系统产品经理Carolina Hennings 对奶牛养殖业的可持续发展进步以及看似微小的效率改进为气候斗争做出了相当大的贡献提供了新的视角。


Next Generation Farming

Experience GEA's commitment to next-generation farming. Engineered for sustainability and efficiency, we're pioneering solutions aligned with the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals. From intelligent automation to eco-friendly practices, join us in shaping a greener, more productive future for dairy farming.
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Clémence Poussier & Luc Poussier 300 cows, France

Farmers Quote

Feeding Robot – Clémence Poussier & Luc Poussier

“After the installation of the GEA Feeding Robot, milk production jumped from 28 to 36 liters per cow per day. There is no longer competition at the feeding table between the cows, even heifers have easy access to fresh feed and the opportunity to prepare them to express their full milk production potential."

Clémence Poussier & Luc Poussier 300 cows, France

Johannes Nickel, Germany

Farmers Quote

Feeding Robot – Johannes Nickel

“I used to spend a lot of time feeding my cows, but now, with the F4500, this has become much easier. I can offer specific rations for 4 different groups from calves to cows with a minimal investment of time. Milk production has increased by more than 2 liters per cow per day since we switched to automated feeding."

Johannes Nickel, Germany

Theo van der Zwaag 180 cows, The Netherlands

Farmers Quote

Feeding Robot – Theo van der Zwaag

“Since we started feeding with the F4500, we have noticed that feed intake has increased and there´s been a reduction of more than 5 % in concentrate consumption. The reports are very useful and we´ve achieve a significant increase in animal health and milk production.”

Theo van der Zwaag 180 cows, The Netherlands


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Dairy Farming Insights

GEA Dairy Farming Insights

Dairy Farming Insights podcast

Tune in to GEA Dairy Farming Insights - the infotainment podcast for the dairy farming network!

Whether you are experienced farmer, just starting out or interested in the world of dairy, join us as we explore the ever-evolving field of farming and tell stories of success, challenges and innovation. We will be talking about modern and future oriented milk production, based on our Next Generation Farming pillars: animal welfare, flexibility and sustainability for the better.

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Cooking show for dairy cows - 33 years Campaign

Cooking Show for Dairy Cows - Episode 2

GEA DairyFeed F4500 animation

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