实现更美好世界的 Next Generation Farming

25 Apr 2023




在 GEA,我们称之为“Next Generation Farming”。它结合了过程自动化(挤奶、饲喂、粪污管理等)和数字化管理解决方案,以及综合服务和卫生咨询。我们的目标是促进可持续生产,使奶牛养殖更加灵活,并使整个过程更易于管理,同时改善动物福利。


“GEA 的自动挤奶系统 DairyRobot R9500 是 NGF 在灵活性、动物福利和可持续发展方面的完美典范,”GEA 自动挤奶系统高级市场支持经理 Michael Berentzen 说。

“自动箱式挤奶不再需要依从固定的挤奶时间,从而使奶牛养殖更加灵活。有了这个系统,奶牛可以随时根据它们的生理状况自愿进入挤奶厅。当然,R9500 也可以在特定时间进行自动化集体挤奶,如果这是农场的首选解决方案。”

DairyRobot R9500

除了灵活性之外,GEA 的自动挤奶解决方案还在动物福利方面树立了新标准。利用获得专利的 In-Liner Everything 技术,可在单次上杯中完成挤奶过程的每个步骤 - 刺激、挤奶头、挤前挤奶、收奶和浸入消毒。这种均匀、快速,舒适的过程全都会发生在奶杯内,这对于收取优质牛奶,同时最大程度地提高机器人挤奶设备的效率至关重要。

另一个好处是,它还可以防止细菌在乳头之间传播,并降低乳腺炎的风险。“它主动帮助预防疾病和提高奶牛健康,”Michael 补充道。

除此之外,还有更多优势。In-Liner Everything 中的药浴剂涂抹在乳头和乳头杯上,对两者进行消毒并润湿橡胶表面。该过程排除了使用过乙酸进行中间消毒的需要。随后,同时清洗相机和乳头杯。这些流程改进不仅缩短了装箱时间,允许每天更多次的挤奶,而且还保护了环境并降低了运营成本。

在考量 NGF 的情况下,创新和改进是 GEA 工程师和产品团队的两个关键驱动因素,这两项技术可以加快过渡到更可持续的奶牛场。“我们不断与奶农沟通以了解他们的具体要求,同时讨论我们可以如何节省时间、资源和能源并提高效率,”Berentzen 解释道。“我们将这些反馈传达给我们的产品管理和工程团队,这就是我们开发最新版本的 GEA 自动挤奶系统 DairyRobot R9500 的方式。它可以更高效地利用水和能源。”

Next generation farming
Independent test confirms improved efficiency

Transparency is key when it comes to proving the benefits of innovative solutions, which is why the DairyRobot R9500 has built-in electricity and water meters to keep a continuous eye on consumption data. Perhaps more importantly, it was independently tested by the DLG (Deutsche Landwirtschaftsgesellschaft/German Agricultural Society) with convincing results.

GEA has long been involved with the development of a unique global standard with the DLG, the Bavarian State Institute for Agriculture (Bayerische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft [LfL]), the agricultural magazine profi and manufacturers of milking technology. This standard facilitates independent tests and energy/water consumption comparisons amongst equipment suppliers.

During a trial at the DLG test center in Groß-Umstadt (Hesse, Germany), a team of GEA technicians and engineers set up a complete robot milking installation. This project was an enormous undertaking but has been worth all the effort; we’re very proud of the collaborative teamwork and the results we obtained,” summarizes Michael Berentzen. “We’re now even more convinced that existing technologies and solutions, combined with engineering creativity, can make a big difference and will accelerate Next Generation Farming.”

The key benefits of the GEA DairyRobot R9500 include:

  • The DairyRobot R9500 single box uses up to 37% less energy, representing 1.4 kWh per 100 L of milk*
  • Up to 35% less energy required in standby-mode: even when your system isn’t milking, it still consumes electricity, which why we’ve reduced energy consumption here as well*
  • 13% less water consumption: the DairyRobot R9500 1-box system uses only 35 L/100 L of tank milk*

*Compared with the previous model in the 2018 DLG test.

The GEA team organized the setup of two GEA DairyRobot R9500 at the DLG test center.

The GEA team of technicians, engineers and product managers organized the setup of two GEA DairyRobot R9500 at the DLG test center.

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