Carbon Capture Solutions

GEA NAVO® CO2 Utilization & Sequestration

Captured carbon dioxide must not be released back into the atmosphere or must replace fossil CO2 to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This can be achieved by producing CO2-based value-added products or by long-term storage of carbon dioxide. At GEA, we offer customized CO2 capture technology and carbon sequestration solutions tailored to the specific needs of different industries. Our aim is to help companies improve their carbon footprint while operating economically. Contact us to discover how our carbon capture solutions can benefit your business.

This image shows a 3D-Rendering of Sodium Bicarbonate Production

Customized CO2 capture and utilization

GEA offers a wide range of technologies for the utilization and storage of CO2. Our carbon capture and utilization solutions are specifically tailored to the needs of the cement industrychemical industryiron and steel industry, waste management, bioenergy, and hard-to-abate industries. We use cutting-edge technologies to capture CO2 efficiently and convert it into valuable products or store it safely. Our expertise covers the design, implementation, and maintenance of the plants to ensure sustainable and cost-effective CO2 utilization.

CO2 liquefaction: Optimal utilization of captured CO2

In our carbon dioxide liquefaction plant, gaseous CO2 is purified, compressed, and cooled to make it available as a liquid, food-grade product that complies with EIGA standards. This technology enables CO2 in liquid form to be used directly or sold. We offer flexible solutions for collection by rail, truck, or pipeline. To increase flexibility and handle partial loads, the treatment plant can be extended with an intermediate storage facility. Additionally, the thermal energy generated during CO2 compression can be reintegrated into a heat transfer system to promote sustainable and economical operation. This makes CO2 liquefaction an attractive option for companies aiming to reduce their emissions and achieve economic benefits as well.

Methanol production from carbon dioxide and hydrogen: Sustainable chemical production

Methanol is a highly versatile chemical that is used as a direct fuel, as a precursor for advanced fuels and additives, and as a chemical building block for the production of valuable intermediates such as ethers and esters. The production of methanol from CO2 and hydrogen requires complex synthesis and upgrading steps. GEA offers comprehensive solutions that cover the entire value chain from hydrogen and carbon dioxide to highly concentrated methanol. Due to our industrial partnerships, we can ensure that our customers have access to state-of-the-art technologies and processes to produce methanol efficiently and sustainably. This not only helps to reduce CO2 emissions but also offers economic benefits by using a valuable co-product.

Carbonate production without hydrogen: Efficient utilization of carbon dioxide

Compared to other ways of using CO2, the production of carbonates has the advantage that no activation of the CO2 with hydrogen is required. Carbonates are widely used in various industries, such as glass, chemicals, pulp and paper, iron and steel, and are used for a variety of purposes. The extensive experience of GEA in crystallization technologies, enables us to act as a technology supplier for carbonate and bicarbonate projects with a production capacity of several 100 tons per day.

GEA: Your partner for innovative CO2 capture and utilization

With decades of experience and innovative approaches, GEA is a reliable partner for CO2 capture and utilization. We offer customized solutions that are specifically tailored to the needs of your industry. Our carbon capture technology and services help companies improve their carbon footprint while achieving economic benefits. 

Contact us to find out more about how our innovative carbon capture solutions can reduce your greenhouse gas emissions. Our experts are available to answer your questions and find the best solutions for your specific needs.

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