“In the face of the numerous challenges in fiscal year 2023, we managed to further improve our key financial figures. This is yet again testament to our strength and resilience,” says CEO Stefan Klebert. “We would not have achieved these results without our employees, whose extraordinary commitment is crucial to our success. I would like to thank each and every one of them for their vital contribution.”

2023 – GEA sees earnings rise again

Say on Climate

GEA presents shareholders its Climate Transition Plan 2040

Share buyback

GEA starts new EUR 400 million program

Key financial figures

The 2023 financial year was again a year of major global challenges. The wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, a difficult economic situation with high inflation rates and rising interest rates weighed on industry and the economy. Nevertheless, GEA succeeded in further improving its key performance indicators and once again holding its own in a difficult environment.

GEA at a glance

Financial key figures of GEA

20232022Change in %
Order intake
Book-to-bill ratio
Order backlog
Organic revenue growth1
8.48.9-59 bps
Share of service revenue in %
36.134.9127 bps
EBITDA before restructuring expenses
as % of revenue
14.413.862 bps
EBIT before restructuring expenses
Profit for the period
ROCE in %2
32,731,893 bps

1) Adjusted for portfolio and currency translation effects.
2) EBIT before restructuring expenses of the last 12 months. Capital employed average of the last 4 quarters and excluding goodwill from the acquisition of the former GEA AG by former Metallgesellschaft AG in 1999.

20232022Change in %
Cash flow from operating activities
Cash flow from investing activities
Free cash flow
20232022Change in %
Net working capital (reporting date)
as % of revenue (LTM)
6.46.136 bps
Capital employed (reporting date)3
Equity ratio in %
40.338.5175 bps
Net liquidity (+)/Net debt (-)4
20232022Change in %
Earnings per share (EUR)
Earnings per share before restructuring expenses (EUR)
Market capitalization (EUR billion; reporting date)5
Employees (FTE; reporting date)
Total workforce (FTE; reporting date)
1) Adjusted for portfolio and currency translation effects.
2) EBIT before restructuring expenses of the last 12 months. Capital employed average of the last 4 quarters and excluding goodwill from the acquisition of the former GEA AG by former Metallgesellschaft AG in 1999.
3) Capital employed excluding goodwill from the acquisition of the former GEA AG by former Metallgesellschaft AG in 1999.
4) Including lease liabilities of EUR 154.8 million as of December 31, 2023 (prior year EUR 165.2 million).
5) The market capitalization includes treasury shares. XETRA closing price as of December 29, 2023: EUR 37.69; XETRA closing price as of December 30, 2022: EUR 38.20
GEA Globe quarterly release

GEA‘s Annual Report 2023

In an environment marked by geopolitical uncertainty, rising interest rates and negative exchange rate developments, GEA’s business has continued to perform well, with a further improvement in its key financial figures and another dividend increase proposed.
Sustainability report


Sustainability Report 2023

GEA informs its investors, customers, employees as well as non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and all other stakeholders on the implementation of sustainability in the company’s strategy regarding ecology and social responsibility in its latest sustainability report.
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