Instant coffee processing and freeze drying

Freeze dryer upgrades

Solutions to improve plant performance, safety, process control and sustainability.

Maintaining peak equipment performance for a long lifespan

No one welcomes the capital expense associated with replacing processing equipment when there may be alternatives to throwing out perfectly good technology or replacing older process lines. GEA systems are built for longevity and reliability, and we believe that with proper maintenance and, where possible, upgrades, our technologies will give you many years of great service.

We’ve developed clever automation and control platforms, equipment upgrades/minor rebuilds, and cost-effective replacement components for your hard-working CONRAD® and RAY® freeze dryers. It’s our aim to keep your equipment operating at peak levels of performance, for the lifespan of your plant. And of course, in addition to configuring upgrades and improvements, we can offer on site, and 24/7 remote service packages for your CONRAD® and RAY® freeze drying plants and software.

Maintaining and upgrading your equipment isn’t just more cost-effective than replacing, it’s also the more sustainable option. Upgrading could boost your freeze drying plant’s overall efficiency, save on relative energy use and reduce downtime. You could even improve your operators’ working conditions, and make better use of their time and expertise.

Upgrades and options for coffee freeze drying on CONRAD® plants

GEA cold room dust filter

Cold room dust filter

Our effective, efficient component filters out and help to prevent unwanted dust from piling up in your cold room, so there’s less frequent need for manual dust clearing in these uncomfortable environments.

GEA heating plate

Aluminum heating plates

Replacing the mild steel heating plates in older CONRAD® models with aluminium heating plates is a relatively easy refit that will help you secure many more years of top quality freeze drying.



Equipped as standard on recent CONRAD® freeze dryers and available as an upgrade for older models, our Super DE-ICING technology works at higher temperatures to enable faster deicing, with better control.

GEA granulator

Granulator upgrade

This minor rebuild to the granulator adds cool airflow to keep heat-generating bearings and knife shafts cold during operation, which helps prevent coffee build up in the granulator and so reduce equipment blockage.

GEA stack pusher

Stack pusher upgrade

We can upgrade your CONRAD® plant with a stack pusher that is more torque-stable than older types, so you can expect longer equipment lifespan, and better long-term reliability.

GEA oil dosing unit

Oil dosing unit

Installed between the freeze dried coffee sifter and big bag storage, the oil dosing unit delivers a controlled amount of coffee oil to bind remaining coffee dust to the granules.

Airlock for CONRAD®

We can provide durable welded airlocks as replacements for cast housings that may crack over time. The tight fitting design of our servo motor-driven welded airlocks will help to ensure the fastest possible air evacuation.


CONRAD® trays

CONRAD® trays repeatedly pushing against each other will shorten the tray over time, and their surfaces will wear. Ask us about tray replacement to help retain best heat transfer rates and ensure reliable tray handling.

GEA CODEX® automation

24/7 365 Software Support

Whether your plant is equipped with our CODEX® automation software or not, we’ll work with you to tailor a service package offering remote software support with our specialists 24/7, 365 days a year.

GEA OptiPartner process optimization

GEA OptiPartner

Our digital process control software monitors your CONRAD® plant output in real time and automatically adjusts plant working parameters, to precisely control coffee attributes, and residual moisture levels.

Freeze dried coffee

Plant optimization

We can review your CONRAD® plant and suggest ways to further optimize efficiency and productivity. Sometimes this can be achieved cost-effectively by adjusting process parameters or upgrading software.

Support by supervisor site visits

Properly serviced, your CONRAD® freeze dryer should give you great performance over a long lifespan. Regular site visits by GEA professionals can help you maintain your equipment and consider optional upgrades.

Options and upgrades for freeze drying food on RAY® equipment

GEA RAY® batch freeze dryer with freeze dried strawberries (Photo GEA)

Support through RAY® site visits

Properly serviced, your RAY® freeze dryer should offer a long lifespan. Together we can create a package of site visits by GEA specialists to help you maintain your equipment and discuss optional upgrades.

CONRAD® trays

RAY® trays

Your RAY® freeze dryer trays should give you years of great service, but their surfaces will become worn over time, which affects heat transfer rates. We can advise on when it may be time for tray replacement.

Aroma mapping

RAY® process optimization

Your RAY® freeze dryer may need to run a new product. GEA can help the transition by finding the right parameters for the drying process. Ask us about the possibilities for your plant.

GEA CODEX® automation

24/7 365 RAY® Software Support

Did you know we can often tailor a software support package that will give you access to remote help 24/7, 365 days a year, whether or not your plant is equipped with our CODEX® automation software platform.

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منتجات ذات صلة

مجفف التجميد CONRAD

مجفف التجميد CONRAD®

صُممت محطة التجفيف بالتجميد CONRAD®‎ من أجل المعالجة المستمرة عالية الحجم للمنتجات مثل القهوة والشاي والفواكه والخضروات واللحوم والمأكولات البحرية، فضلًا عن الوجبات الجاهزة. مجفف التجميد CONRAD®‎ هو أساس أغلب مصانع القهوة الفورية المجففة بالتجميد التي تشتهر بتقديم المنتجات المميزة، وهو يتميز أيضاً بالتشغيل الشاق في الوقت نفسه.

المجفف بالتجميد ray من GEA مع Thrive Life

المجفف بالتجميد RAY®‎

صُممت وحدة المجفف بالتجميد على دفعات RAY®‎ لإنتاج منتجات صغيرة إلى متوسطة الحجم مثل القهوة سريعة التحضير والشاي وتجميد الفواكه المجففة والخضروات واللحوم والمأكولات البحرية والوجبات الجاهزة. وتكون الوحدة متوفرة أيضًا بتصميم صحي تمامًا لتجفيف البكتيريا، والإنزيمات، وغيرها من المنتجات النشطة بيولوجيًا بالتجميد.

تحسين المعالجة بـ GEA OptiPartner

GEA OptiPartner لمنشآت المسحوق

تجمع GEA OptiPartner بين خبرة GEA في المعالجة والخبرة التشغيلية لتحسين إنتاجية منشآت التجفيف بالرذاذ لإنتاج المسحوق. استنادًا إلى التقنيات الرقمية عالية الكفاءة، تعمل GEA OptiPartner على زيادة استخدام السعة وتقليل استهلاك الطاقة مع توفير رؤية كاملة ومستمرة للمشغلين للمعالجة.

GEA Codex®‎

GEA Codex®‎

GEA Codex® Process Control هو إطار عمل مفتوح يتضمن المعايير المقررة لتصميم واجهة استخدام الآلة، والتي تشمل التنبيهات والهندسة الموزّعة ووحدات التحكم المرن، بالإضافة إلى معالجات المنصات الرائدة مثل Siemens وRockwell وWonderware

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