Деалкоголизационная установка мембранной фильтрации AromaPlus

Retaining genuine flavor and original features of beer is a key criteria when selecting the right dealcoholization technology

If you want to make a great dealcoholized beer that still retains its original flavors, then you can find out more here.

Built on GEA’s membrane filtration technology, AromaPlus works via reverse osmosis (RO) – allowing alcohol and water to move through, while retaining essential ingredients that contribute to aroma, color and turbidity. The system achieves the required alcohol-free percentage of 0.5 percent – down to 0.05 percent. Several brewing frontrunners have chosen AromaPlus because it delivers both in terms of cost and also excellent tasting results.

Dealcoholization with the GEA AromaPlus membrane filtration unit

GEA AromaPlus produces the kind of aromatic and refreshing non-alcoholic beer that many consumers want and expect today.

GEA AromaPlus produces the kind of aromatic and refreshing non-alcoholic beer that many consumers want and expect today. Keeping temperatures low and preserving the original flavor profile within the beer via the use of tight reverse osmosis membranes, produces beers that are tantalizing similar to the original.

Work hard, brew hard

Безалкогольное пиво от Schönbuch Braumanufaktur

At Schönbuch Braumanufaktur (Böblingen, Germany), creating beer is meticulous work. “But, if you do what you love, you'll never have anything to worry about,” says CEO Werner Dinkelaker. The Dinkelakers have managed their family brewery for six generations and, in that time, collected an impressive array of awards. 

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Full flavored alcohol-free beer from the Sacred Mountain

Безалкогольное пиво, произведенное по технологии мембранной деалкоголизации от компании GEA


GEA’s reverse osmosis dealcoholization technology preserves the original character of the Andechs wheat beer.

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Adnams Brewery: Close to the main seller

Fergus Fitzgerald, Adnams Head Brewer wanted to get close to the flavor and sensation of Ghost Ship 4.5% abv, Adnams’ main seller. Watch the video to learn more.

Adnams Brewery produces award-winning, low-alcohol beer using GEA AromaPlus

Безалкогольный напиток Ghost Ship (Корабль-призрак) от пивоваренного завода Adnams

With a near fifteen-year relationship between them, Adnams called once more on GEA in 2018 to secure their support in producing the first Adnams Brewery low-alcohol beer with an ABV of 0.5 percent or lower.

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A Scandinavian first for dealcoholization of beer with the GEA AromaPlus

Laitilan Wirvoitusjuomatehdas use GEA’s AromaPlus for dealcoholized beer production

An independent company that’s been active since 1995, Laitilan Wirvoitusjuomatehdas Oy has grown to become Finland’s fourth-largest brewery. As well as producing a wide range of specialty beers, ciders, sparkling wine, soft drinks, waters and long drinks, their Kukko beer was the world’s first full-malt beer to receive the international gluten-free product trademark in 2005.

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Dealcoholization mythbusters with Fergus Fitzgerald from Adnams Brewery

Can you dealcoholize beer and yet keep the taste? Watch the video here

Can you make dealcoholized beer that is natural? Watch the video here

Isn’t dealcoholized beer too sweet? Watch the video here

Won’t dealcoholized beer ruin my name as a brewer? Watch the video here

Isn’t it too expensive to brew dealcoholized beer? Watch the video here

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