
Breweries go digital: GEA InsightPartner Brewery deliver real-time performance insights

14 Apr 2021

For years, GEA has been accompanying breweries on their journey to digital transformation. This is why the company has recently teamed up with renowned industry customers to develop the GEA InsightPartner Brewery software. This tool captures real-time process management data, monitors production performance and alerts users to deviations.

For GEA, service is about so much more than just reactive maintenance and selling spare parts. Rather, the focus is on sustaining operational plant availability and performance long term. This significantly increases a system’s operational life. Developed by the company’s service experts in cooperation with brewmasters, GEA InsightPartner Brewery is the ultimate in process control. Image: GEA

For GEA, service is about so much more than just reactive maintenance and selling spare parts. Rather, the focus is on sustaining operational plant availability and performance long term. This significantly increases a system’s operational life. Developed by the company’s service experts in cooperation with brewmasters, GEA InsightPartner Brewery is the ultimate in process control. Image: GEA

  • Real-time information makes it possible to improve plant availability, product quality and resource efficiency
  • Pilot customer Störtebeker Braumanufaktur testifies to a productivity gain of an average of two additional brews per week

For years, GEA has been accompanying breweries on their journey to digital transformation. This is why the company has recently teamed up with renowned industry customers to develop the GEA InsightPartner Brewery software. This tool captures real-time process management data, monitors production performance and alerts users to deviations. If necessary, brewers can quickly take remedial action in order to optimize brewhouse efficiency over the long term. In the future, these capabilities will also extend to other process steps in the cold block area.

Understanding the how and why behind processes

“Thanks to digitalization, brewers have access to ever-increasing quantities of data. In order for this to benefit our customers in their day-to-day work, the information must be condensed into a clear and meaningful form,” explains Karlheinz Höhn, who heads service management for Beverage & Filling Technologies at GEA. To this end, GEA’s brewery and service experts defined more than 120 parameters, which help calculate KPIs. “Our goal is to provide brewers with a previously unattainable level of process control. Since technical infrastructure usually evolves over many years, today’s operating personnel can often no longer infer why a specific process technology solution was chosen in the past. In a way, GEA InsightPartner Brewery pulls back the curtain.”

Comparing targeted vs. actual process data

Using GEA InsightPartner Brewery, pilot customer Störtebeker brewery analyzes process data providing single values in addition to trends over time as well as variations across brands and batches. Image: Störtebeker Braumanufaktur

Using GEA InsightPartner Brewery, pilot customer Störtebeker brewery analyzes process data providing single values in addition to trends over time as well as variations across brands and batches. Image: Störtebeker Braumanufaktur

In developing the tool and refining the software, GEA took into account not only its own process experience acquired through brewery projects around the globe but also the needs of and feedback received from Stralsund-based Störtebeker Braumanufaktur as well as other major breweries. As a result, GEA InsightPartner Brewery analyzes process data – for instance, on wort filtration, turbidity, filtration time and efficiency – providing single values in addition to trends over time as well as variations across brands and batches. What’s more, it is also possible to compare actual and target metrics. If actual production values deviate significantly from planned benchmarks, visual alerts draw plant operators’ attention to the problem. The option of making direct comparisons following adjustments or changes to the process helps in troubleshooting. To this end, the software solution features an intuitive user interface that allows both upstream and downstream departments to predict possible process bottlenecks ranging from raw material availability to fermentation plant capacity.

Increasing plant uptime with real-time information

“The fact that we are providing evaluations in real time is a stand-out feature,” explains GEA Product Manager Moritz Braun. “The upshot is that production or quality assurance staff can intervene at an early stage and save valuable time on troubleshooting. Instead of waiting for analyses after completing a brew, they can respond while the process is underway and, for example, extend the boiling time in the wort kettle.” As an add-on feature, GEA InsightPartner can make use of the existing process control systems and manufacturing execution systems (MES), which capture data downstream but only visualize it to a limited extent. The GEA solution acts as a bridge to KPI-based reporting, which is of great importance to brewery managers. Speed as well as precise, easy-to-grasp, real-time analyses are instrumental to achieving the goal of maximum plant uptime. Braun adds that, as Covid-19 restrictions are putting the entire beverage industry under commercial strain, this is now a more pressing issue than ever before.

Boosting productivity through faster troubleshooting

The planning overview offered by GEA InsightPartner Brewery clearly shows when target and actual values differ. Visualization: GEA

The planning overview offered by GEA InsightPartner Brewery clearly shows when target and actual values differ. Visualization: GEA

Using a weekly schedule, GEA InsightPartner Brewery monitors production progress. The system registers the duration of each individual process step and monitors adherence to time specifications in order to generate a real-time forecast on meeting the targeted output. Based on these insights, production managers can adjust the weekly schedule and achieve the best possible plant productivity. After completing the pilot phase with GEA InsightPartner, Störtebeker brewery also testifies to this. The Stralsund brewery reports achieving a five- to eight-percent productivity boost as early as in the first phase. “We discovered that one mash tun had worse heating rates than the other. Our technicians were able to replace the steam control valve so that we could continue production again the following week with the same quality at lower energy consumption,” says Holger Tangermann, responsible for the brewing operation at Störtebeker Braumanufaktur. “Thanks to GEA InsightPartner, we pick up on potential problems sooner than before when we used to rely on extremely time-consuming, post-hoc analyses from the SCADA system. On average, we were able to increase our productivity by two brews per week.”

Accounting for variations in the quality of raw materials

An important motivating factor in Störtebeker brewery’s decision to step up as a pilot customer was safeguarding the purity of each of its various beer types. “Quality – of the kind that’s reproducible time and again – is hugely important to us. It’s what our customers have come to expect of us and why we are positioned in the premium segment. So, the fact that GEA InsightPartner also allows conclusions about variations in raw materials is very helpful,” says Holger Tangermann. GEA InsightPartner makes it possible to compare current plant operations with the data from previous brews in order to instantly pinpoint deviations and dive deep into the relevant brew’s history so that remedial action can be taken even during the brewing process. In this way, breweries can preserve their specialty beers’ unique characteristics and quality over the long term.

Potential for reduced water and energy consumption in phase two

Following the milling, mashing and lautering steps in phase one, GEA and Störtebeker brewery are now entering phase two, which encompasses the brewhouse as a whole including utilities. “We are now also integrating the energy input for heating, cooling, etc. into our analyses. On that front, we expect GEA InsightPartner to help our customers achieve even greater efficiency gains,” says Braun.

Destination autopilot

“Our long-term goal is to create an autopilot for breweries,” Karlheinz Höhn explains. “That would allow breweries to optimize processes at the touch of a button, just as dairy farmers are already able to do today with GEA OptiPartner. Until breweries are able to self-correct completely autonomously, process control through intelligible, real-time data analyses will remain crucial for quality, speed and plant availability. GEA InsightPartner Brewery represents a decisive step forward for our customers.”


Fanny Förster

Phone: 49 211 9136 1504

Media Relations

GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft

Peter-Müller-Str. 12




+49 211 9136-0

GEA の概要

GEA は、世界レベルの食品製造プロセス技術を有するとともに、乳業、飲料、パーソナル・ホームケア、化学など食品以外の幅広い分野にも実績があり、2019年度の連結売上高は約49億ユーロとなりました。

最先端のプロセスソリューションと洗練されたプロセス機器を世界中のお客様に提供している国際企業です。 GEA は、お客様が抱える課題やニーズに対して、経験・実績に基づいた最適なソリューションを提供致します。。当グループでは、長期的に成長している食品と飲料分野が売上の約70%を占めています。2018年12月31日の時点で、GEAの総従業員数は約18,500人です。GEA は自社のビジネスエリアにおいて市場とテクノロジーのリーダーとなっています。当社は、ドイツ株価指数の MDAX主要銘柄に採用されています。


