Corporate Governance

Risk Management

GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft has grown considerably in recent years. However, sustainable growth can only be achieved if both the opportunities and the risks associated with business activities are identified and adequately taken into account. For this reason, an effective control and risk management system represents one of the core elements of corporate governance at GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft.

Risk and opportunity management targets

GEA Group’s ability to leverage its growth and earnings potential depends on it using the opportunities that arise, although this in turn is associated as a matter of principle with business risks. Taking calculated risks is therefore part of GEA Group’s corporate strategy. To meet the objective of sustainably increasing enterprise value, it is necessary, as far as possible, to enter into only those risks that are calculable and matched by greater opportunities. This requires active risk and opportunity management, which avoids inappropriate risks, monitors and manages risks entered into, and ensures that opportunities are identified and utilized in good time. GEA Group’s strategic and medium-term planning are key components of the way in which it manages opportunities and risks. These processes are used to prepare decisions on core technologies and markets, along with the corresponding allocation of resources. The objective is to ensure stability by diversifying and by concentrating on markets of the future. At the same time, developments that may jeopardize GEA Group’s continuing existence can be identified at an early stage. Opportunities and risks arising from significant operating decisions – for example whether to take on orders or to implement capital expenditure projects – are assessed and hence actively managed by the relevant departments and decision-makers at all group levels in a decision-making process that takes materiality criteria into account.



