Aguas arriba

Customized solutions for the highest demands

The oil and gas industry will remain the motor of the global economy for decades to come. But the industry also has to fundamentally face new challenges in order to be able to efficiently tap new resources in the future.

This certainly includes oil fields with heavy oil and oil fields in deep-sea regions as well as oil and gas fields located in areas that are difficult to develop. Fields that have already been developed offer new opportunities, such as the processes of EOR (Enhanced Oil Recovery) or oil fields with extra-heavy crude oil, for example in Kuwait, Russia, South America and Canada. 

In order to make these resources available to the world market efficiently and in an environmentally friendly manner in the future, efficient and resource-saving technologies are required. With the supply of plug and play processing systems which comply with even the most stringent environmental requirements, GEA's mechanical separation solutions plays a decisive role here. They handle continuous liquid-liquid-solids separation in a wide range of applications and capacities. The high-performance disk-stack centrifuges are specifically designed to cope with the needs and circumstances in various process setups in on- and offshore installations for oil and gas production.

Crude oil treatment

Sistemas de tratamiento del crudo GEA – Deshidratación y desalinización con centrífugas

Los sistemas de tratamiento del crudo GEA son líneas de proceso centrífugas modulares para la deshidratación y desalinización eficientes del crudo en diversas configuraciones de proceso.
Decantador centrífugo en contenedor para tratamiento de agua de drenaje

Primera planta reacondicionada para el tratamiento de agua de drenaje

GEA suministra con éxito los primeros contenedores sobre patines


GEA Insights

Lemgo plant building

Pasado y futuro se unen en el proyecto pionero de calefacción central de Lemgo

Theo van der Zwaag from the Netherlands stands in front of a GEA automated feeding robot.

La automatización marca la diferencia para las vacas, los humanos y el planeta

CIAL Chile Employees stand in front of a line of defrosters from GEA.

La solución de descongelación de GEA triunfa en Chile con CIAL

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