Heat Pump eCalculator

Did you know… you can reduce the energy consumption, operating costs and CO₂ emissions of your facility all at the same time? Try our Heat Pump eCalculator and discover how much you could potentially save with GEA energy-efficient heat pump solution. Let's work on your carbon footprint together.

Disclaimer: the calculator above calculates possible OPEX and CO₂ emission savings using GEA’s energy-efficient heat pump solutions. Results are purely indicative and non binding.

GEA heat pump for industrial heat recovery

Heat to Cool

If we want to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius compared to pre-industrial levels, we need a real game changer. When it comes to decarbonizing heat, heat pump technology with a proven track record is just that. In the drive for a carbon-neutral future, energy-efficient heat pumps are rapidly becoming the technology of choice. Using heat pumps to cool our warming planet makes a lot of sense.

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