Discover what sustainability can do

Better world, better products

Hour of truth. How does our company's purpose of “engineering for a better world” translate into everyday use? With a wide range of breakthrough products, we prove that sustainability is in our DNA. From energy to water – savings can be realized immediately by state-of-the-art efficient technology. It's time to act. Take a look at the tremendous benefits that are enabling future-proof business development across multiple industries. Get an overview here and in our new in-depth brochure “Better world. Better products.”

Better products

Wenn jeder Tropfen zählt

Mit der GEA Centrifuge Water Saving Unit lassen sich pro Zentrifuge jährlich mehr als eine Million Liter Frischwasser einsparen – denn jeder Tropfen zählt.

Proteine neu denken

Proteine neu denken

Mit Zentrifugen alternative Proteine aus pflanzlichen Rohstoffen oder Insekten ressourcenschonend gewinnen.


Die Obstretter kommen

Als Saft genießen statt Wegwerfen. Mit dem patentierten GEA vaculiq Vakuumspiralfilter verhindert das Start-up RSCUED Lebensmittelverschwendung.


Ein Impfturbo für die Welt

Der GEA kytero® Einweg-Pharma-Separator mit bester Zellernte ist der Impfturbo im Pharma-Produktportfolio.


Geschmack, Fitness, Nachhaltigkeit

Als Schlüsseltechnologie sind GEA extraction Decanter unverzichtbar bei der Herstellung aller pflanzenbasierten Getränke.


Wasser gut, alles gut

Im indischen Bengaluru helfen Dutzende GEA Dekanter, jährlich 1,48 Milliarden Liter Wasser aus Klärschlamm zurückzugewinnen.

sustainability survey

Shaping a sustainable future together: Insights from 300+ industry leaders

At GEA, we understand the pivotal role of sustainability in today’s business environment. To gain deeper insights, we surveyed companies in the food and beverage industry, receiving valuable responses from over 300 participants. The full evaluation of their perspectives is now available for download.

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Add Better

Resource efficient solutions

When industries with GEA applications want to become futureproof, the Add Better label is our overall holistic approach to signal greener times ahead in specific cases. The TÜV-validated ecolabel for resource-efficient solutions can help to reduce your ecological impacts and your operating costs.
Small changes can make a big impact

Small changes, big impact

Small changes can make a big impact on the environment and our future. GEA Flow Components offers eco-friendly process valves, pumps, and cleaning tech - steps towards a sustainable future.
Our best ingredient: Sustainability

Make every drop matter

GEA mechanical separation technology has shaped the dairy industry from the outset, both improving core value-adding processes and process side streams.


Our interactive brochure


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