
Leading Solutions for modern Dairy Farming

From cutting-edge milking systems and herd management tools to innovative feeding and barn equipment, we provide everything you need to enhance productivity and animal welfare. Explore our comprehensive range of products designed for every farm size and type. Join thousands of satisfied farmers worldwide who trust GEA Farming to optimize their dairy operations.
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Our Flagship Products

Our Dairy Farming Flagship Products

Your success is our priority. As a dedicated farmer, you know the value of hard work and innovative solutions. We stand by your side, providing reliable and efficient tools to help you nurture your farm, improve livestock health, and boost productivity: From automated and conventional milking solutions to advanced feeding systems, manure management, hygiene solutions, and more, our comprehensive range of products is tailored for all herd sizes and barn requirements.
Let our cutting-edge technology simplify your daily tasks and support your journey towards sustainable and prosperous farming.

Why GEA?

Why GEA?

Your Trusted Partner in Dairy Farming Solutions

With GEA, you get more than just technology - You gain a partner dedicated to helping your farm thrive. Because we understand the unique challenges you face in dairy farming. Our cutting-edge solutions are designed to support your goals of increasing productivity and ensuring animal health. Experience the difference with GEA’s reliable, efficient, and farmer-focused dairy farming systems. Let’s build a prosperous future together.

Why Choose GEA for Your Farming Needs?

  • Innovative Technology: State-of-the-art farming systems for optimal efficiency.
  • Animal Welfare: Solutions designed with the health and comfort of your herd in mind.
  • Productivity Boost: Increase your milk production with our advanced systems.
  • Reliability: Dependable equipment that you can trust for consistent performance.
  • Farmer-Focused Support: Dedicated to addressing the specific needs and challenges of dairy farmers.
  • Sustainability: Committed to eco-friendly practices for a better future.
  • Next Generation Farming: Intelligent solutions that increase yield, enhance flexibility, and improve animal welfare while minimizing emissions and waste.

Experience the benefits of a true partnership in dairy farming with GEA.

Customer success stories

Theo van der Zwaag from the Netherlands stands in front of a GEA automated feeding robot.

تُحدث الأتمتة فرقًا بالنسبة للأبقار والبشر والكوكب

إن إطعام الأبقار هي واحدة من أهم المهام والروتين اليومي لمزارعي الألبان في جميع أنحاء العالم. فالتغذية السليمة لا تحافظ على صحة الأبقار فحسب، بل تضع الأساس لإنتاج الكثير من الحليب عالي الجودة كذلك. إلا أنه في أوقات ارتفاع تكاليف...


Krichauff Family – Better Automatic Milking with GEA DairyRobot R9500

The Krichauff family, from Three Bridges Dairy in South Australia, had been running a dairy farm with 210 cows using a conventional milking system. In 2022, they adopted 3 Dairy Robot R9500 into their operations. This cutting-edge...

إنتاج المزيد من الأغذية بانبعاثات أقل - كيف يمكن أن يساعد الهواء والكهرباء في ذلك

إنتاج المزيد من الأغذية بانبعاثات أقل - كيف يمكن أن يساعد الهواء والكهرباء في ذلك

يحتاج العالم إلى إنتاج المزيد من الأغذية، لكنه يحتاج أيضًا إلى خفض الانبعاثات. يلزم المزارعون حلول تعمل على تحسين إنتاجهم وبصمتهم البيئية، وأن تكون تلك الحلول اقتصادية في نفس الوقت. يحتاج معالجو الألبان والصناعات الغذائية إلى...

Abe de Wolde is dedicated to growing healthy youngstock

Customer Story | GEA DairyRotor T8500

Milking through a 54-bail GEA DairyRotor T8500 rotary, Abe de Wolde is committed to reaching efficiency and production goals on his farms in New Zealand.


Next Generation Farming

Experience GEA's commitment to next-generation farming. Engineered for sustainability and efficiency, we're pioneering solutions aligned with the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals. From intelligent automation to eco-friendly practices, join us in shaping a greener, more productive future for dairy farming.
Explore more

FutureCow with Conventional Milking 2x16 - 650 Milked Cows - ~43 litres milk / Day

Farmers Quote: Future Cow - Ganadería Sar

"Future Cow has not only improved our efficiency but also made working conditions much more comfortable for our staff. We've reduced milking times by half an hour per session, and the consistency in cleaning, disinfection, stimulation, and drying has been a game-changer. Since investing, we've eliminated the use of cloths and paper, cutting costs and reducing environmental impact. It's been a great decision for us, optimizing our milking processes and enhancing farm life."

Jose Sandá - Ganadería Sar, A Coruña, Spain

2 DairyRobot R9500 - 136 Milked Cows - 6.000 kg. Milk / Day

Farmers Quote: DairyRobot R9500 - El Carrizal

"Without a doubt, the best quality of life it has given to all of us who work here. It has allowed us to have more flexibility to perform other tasks, to take breaks, and to hire workers under better conditions. Regarding production, we have increased the liters by milking three times a day. Additionally, it provides greater well-being for the cows, as they choose the moment to be milked."

Cristino Arévalo -  El Carrizal, Córdoba, Spain

GQ Liner

Farmers Quote: Milking with new GQ Liners - Longmoore Farm

“We tried a couple of units as a trial and the agreement amongst the farms milking staff was to change to GQ liners straight away. Up to that point, cows and especially heifers were restless during milking. This resulted in increased milking time due to having to reattach units. I would recommend the GQ liner to anyone who asks and would invite anybody interested to visit their farm to view them operating. Try them, you won’t be disappointed.”

Experience GEA's farming solutions in the virtual FarmTour

Dairy Farming Insights

GEA Dairy Farming Insights

Dairy Farming Insights podcast

Tune in to GEA Dairy Farming Insights - the infotainment podcast for the dairy farming network!

Whether you are experienced farmer, just starting out or interested in the world of dairy, join us as we explore the ever-evolving field of farming and tell stories of success, challenges and innovation. We will be talking about modern and future oriented milk production, based on our Next Generation Farming pillars: animal welfare, flexibility and sustainability for the better.

Join our cowmunity that takes you on a journey through the vastness of milk production - your source of knowledge and inspiration in every episode!

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Add better

Milestones on the way to a greener future


It’s hard to put a price tag on a better future. So we’ve decided to put a label on it. Our Add Better label calls attention to GEA solutions that are significantly better than their predecessor product when it comes to efficiency and environmental impact. These belong to our most resource-efficient solutions – this is sustainability value.


فيديوهات ذات صلة

CowScout Eating & Rumination Monitoring - Arjun Singh, New Zealand

CowScout Health Monitoring - Andrew Fullerton, New Zealand

CowScout Heat Detection - Andrew Fullerton, New Zealand

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