Blending copper with steel

GEA partner with Bushmills to build an extension to their distillery, increasing their yield while also improving their carbon footprint. Showing how the stainless steel and the copper combined make the golden liquid at Bushmills.

Bushmills Distillery - whiskey

A steel mammoth in the land of giants

Precise process conditions are essential to achieve the consistent quality that is vital to any spirit brand. During production, a variety of different factors influence the process – from the raw materials to the mashing, wort extraction, fermentation and distillation – giving the product its characteristic flavors and aromas. 

But don’t take it from us. Discover why Bushmills, the oldest licensed whisky distillery in the world, decided to work with GEA for their new distillery.

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Flexible partner

We help whisky distilleries of any size. From raw materials handling to malt conditioning, milling, mashing, and fermentation to cask maturation, we have the right solution for your needs: flow components, individually designed...

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Sustainable and future-proof

“From our current three mashes per day, our yield is up 5% to 7%. And we have the potential to do seven mashes per day,” says Rodney Donnell, Lead Brewing Technician at Bushmills. Besides helping optimize yields and energy efficiency,...

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Experienced brewer

The production of whisky spirit starts with the brewing process, commonly referred to as mashing by distillers. With our comprehensive portfolio of breweries – from multinationals to small craft breweries – we’re at the forefront...

Malt whisky producer uses GEA mash house equipment

Building a new tradition

There are few crafts more traditional than the art of making whisky. But for Swedish whisky producer Agitator Whiskymakare AB in Arboga, tradition is being challenged: it’s just the whisky that matters.


Depth and character in the glass

تقطير الويسكي هو فن رفيع. تقدم لك GEA أحدث التقنيات لإنتاج المشروبات الروحية، من المكونات الفردية إلى الحلول المتكاملة الجاهزة.
تلقَّ الأخبار من GEA

ابق على تواصل مع ابتكارات وقصص GEA من خلال الاشتراك في النشرات المقدمة من GEA.

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